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HomeRandom | Crossing at Yoyogi Station, Shibuya  

Around Yoyogi Station, Shibuya

Saturday, May 01, 2021
📷 May 02, 2019
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Around Yoyogi Station, Shibuya
There's certainly no lack of variety when it comes to Tokyo street fashion, with its hotspot spreading between Shibuya and Shinjuku around Harajuku and the surrounding areas.
2021/12/29 | Heading towards the New Town, Prague2021/10/23 | Walking the dogs at Little Side, Prague2021/10/02 | Crossing Old Town Square, Prague2021/09/26 | Looking up, At Pařížská Street, Prague2021/09/21 | Around Republic Square, Prague2021/05/01 | Around Yoyogi Station, Shibuya2021/04/24 | At the Railway Crossing, Shibuya2021/04/17 | At Saikyō Line Crossing, Shibuya2021/04/10 | At Yamanote Line Underpass, Shibuya2021/04/03 | Yamanote Line Underpass, Shibuya2021/03/27 | Around Yoyogi Station, Shibuya2021/03/20 | Crossing at Yoyogi Station, Shibuya2021/03/13 | Towards Yoyogi Station, Shibuya2021/03/06 | Around Shinjuku-sanchōme Station2021/02/27 | Around Golden Gai by Night, Shinjuku2021/02/20 | On a Scramble Crossing, Shinjuku2021/02/13 | Catching a Late Night Taxi, Shinjuku